Thursday, October 2, 2008

What ingredients in hair products can cause acne

« ...Certain kinds of foods can trigger the growth of acne causing bacteria. A diet that is rich in processed foods and junk foods can often be responsible for making acne worse. Many acne sufferers have reported that by simply eating more natural foods including more fruits and vegetables their acne condition improved greatly. Drinking enough water is important to help maintain healthy skin however ideally the majority of water for your body should come from the foods you eat especially from water rich foods like most fruits and vegetables....
...It is often a good idea to start with a product that has benzoyl peroxide at about a 5 percent or less concentration to see how the skin responds; moisturizers based on alpha-hydroxy acid are a safer skin care regime alternative if there is a problem. As with any type of zit cream, you may need to try a few acne skin care products until you find one that will suit your skin; however, if finding an effective remedy it is proving to be a problem then consult with your doctor, or skin care specialist. There are benefits of seeing your doctor or dermatologist, they can prescribe you with a prescription for treatments not available over the counter, for example a course of antibiotics....»
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«...Acne has no favourites between male or females and will equally affect both. Actimine can be taken by either men or women to help the skin return to a more normal condition. It is a perfect fit in anyone's daily routine, supplying the body with the correct nutrients to decrease the inflammation. Those unsightly blackheads and white heads will reduce with the help of the popular formula that Actimine has become....»
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tags: over the counter acne treatment with tretinoin, silver rose anti acne lotion, best prescription acne medication

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