Thursday, July 3, 2008

How to get rid of acne and pimples fast and evening primrose oil zinc acne

With regard to acne spots.Apart from the application of suitable creams, having a good diet is surprisingly one of the best skin care for acne treatment available. Although the food that you put in your body has as much of an effect on acne as anything else it is of course not the only factor contributing towards this complex skin condition.It can be triggered by certain medically prescribed drugs, or a reaction to certain every day compounds such as cleaning fluids, or soaps, but more significantly any one with a family history of this skin problem is also likely to develop it at some stage of their lifetime.
The big kicker that throws people off is that it disguises itself as if it was a sunburn. Please note that it'll be harder for people to tell that are always in the sun as they may have experienced getting sunburns from time to time. If not, you'll likely be able to catch it before it progresses.
There are a number of both cosmetic and dermatological procedures to minimize or eliminate these scars. The most basic is to simply inject additional collagen in the scarred area. This lifts the skin and helps to fill small depressions and softer scars. This form of treatment doesn't work particularly well for ice pick scars, however.
tags: best peel acne scars, home remedy facials for acne, natural ways of getting rid of acne

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